I'm a little concerned about Avery's maternal instincts, or maybe it's my own parenting skills I should be worrying about. This morning I was folding laundry when she came in with a couple of dolls and tossed them into the washing machine.

She had trouble getting the door to close, because the baby's toes were in the seal. After a few tries, she gave a disgusted sort of sigh and took off, pausing at the door to reassure them with "Bye! Yuv yu!"

"Whatevs. I'll be back later. You'll be fine."

"No need to call CPS, they like it in there."
Eventually she retrieved them, and shoved a sippy cup in each of their faces in turn, so she wasn't completely negligent.

Caught by the paparazzi. Makes Britney look like Mother of the Year!
In all fairness, she likes to climb in there herself, so she probably thought they'd enjoy it too. She's forever putting things into the washer or dryer-- food, coins, PlayMobils. Very important to do a quick sweep before you turn on any appliances in this house.
Nah, it's only bad parenting when you show her how to turn it on and watch their little faces spin...and melt (yuck).
I've loved reading your posts and catching up! Avery is adorable, and it just blows my mind that Ethan is 7.
That was funny. Thank you for that.
Love the blog, Sarah. It's the best way to keep in touch without actually keeping in touch. Do you mind if I link to mine (if you don't mind being associated with hillbillies)?
oh yes, especially when you have siblings...when the oldest puts the younger babe in the dryer. Lucky she didn't turn it on. Can't a mother pee without murder occurring in the laundry room?
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