His lack of coloring aptitude was problematic only in that it so concerned his kindergarten teacher that he was referred to physical therapy, where he spent many hours resentfully tracing patterns while grinding his teeth into powder, and many additional hours complaining about how much he hated the therapy sessions. (His therapist also drove me insane, insisting that he was right-handed and we must encourage him to use his right hand...see photo above, notice which hand he's using? The child does not so much as pick his nose with his right hand - sorry for the tmi- and he never has.) Fortunately the next year his teacher was herself the mother of 3 boys, and confined herself to observing, "He really hates coloring, doesn't he" with no mention of therapeutic remedies.
Next up we have a lesser-known milestone: Avery trying to produce her first urine sample. What, you don't have a page for that in your baby book? She was running a fever for a few days and when we couldn't find any other explanation the doctor suggested I try to bring in a clean-catch sample to check for a u.t.i. Oookaaay... so I put her on the mixing bowl in front of the tv for half an hour, nothing- then foolishly turned my back for 2 seconds to grab the remote control and she sprinted over to the couch and left her sample there. That's when I decided she was probably fine and we'd give the fever another day or two before making a second attempt. Fortunately she was back to normal the next day.
This last one is not a milestone per se, but it was cute. Ethan & his friend Dylan created these Iron Man costumes out of the contents of the recycling bin, plus a Super-Soaker and a defunct light-saber.
Coming soon- pictures from my sister's wedding! Assuming I remember the camera.
I'll say it again, Avery is durn adorable! My boys all have something like the coloring for Ethan. Ryan's is writing. He just finished 4th grade, and the whole year he went to ANY lengths to avoid a writing assignment. Lying, hiding the book, and when he was pinned down and could tell he was not going to get out of it he would start pulling his hair out! What do ya do? It seems like boys have their own schedules with some stuff that you just can't mess with.
Great post! I left you a longer message on Facebook.
I am so glad that I found your blog. It is great to see what your kids are up to. (and to know that I am not the only one with the same problems!)
Avery is darling! Love the bows. Can't wait to meet her - and to see how much Ethan has grown! (is he taller than me yet?)
HEy Politrells! Stumbled onto your blog by way of the Salters blog. It's great to see how you guys are doing... Can't believe how big Avery has gotten. Time flies!
Ashton misses Ethan tremendously. At some point we'll get out there to visit, although "Nephi" is quite a bit farther away than Budapest was. And quieter.
--Aaron & Agi
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