We finally got lucky and had a rain-free Saturday, so we headed down to Brighton for the day. It was perfect- 70's and sunny. Ethan & Avery collected shells and threw rocks into the ocean, only occasionally dropping them on one another's toes.

We found a playground by the water and let them do their thing for a while. Ethan immediately recruited every child of his approximate height for a soccer match, and Avery kept busy climbing and then falling off of various structures.

I don't know who she's waving at here, possibly the gulls. The tide was coming in and she was curious about the water, so I eventually took off her shoes and socks; she headed straight into the waves but immediately became alarmed, lost her head, sat down in the surf, and needed a full change of clothes.

Actual fish and chips! Try not to get your monitor greasy....

There was a little train that ran along the shoreline. Ethan was offended that his offer to drive was not accepted.
We left mid-afternoon to get Ethan home in time for a birthday party for one of his school friends. After we dropped him off we lounged around at home for a few more hours, reading and ignoring the lawn, which desperately needed mowing. Below you can see Avery, riveted by the classics.

Perfect weekend! There's a bank holiday next Monday, so I think we're going to try to fit in some more road trips.
Wow!! What I can't believe is Lance looking more like an adult than a 17-year-old these days!! He's all grown up! Avery and Ethan too - so stinkn' cute. Remind me when you're in town to take you to the children's clothing store that Lisa part-owns. You'll love it.
I can't believe how much Avery has changed in the last 4 months. It looks like you are all having a great time. I love to see new posts so keep them coming.
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