Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Bad Parenting

These pictures are from a few months ago, too. After a morning spent fruitlessly trying to clean the kitchen while Avery climbed my legs and begged me to read to her, it finally occurred to me that she might give me a couple of minutes' peace if I brought the play kitchen in and let her fill up the sink with water. Poor Ethan, he was never allowed to have any kind of messy-play fun, because of my abject horror at the thought of cleaning up another mess and my failure to understand that wiping up water requires nothing more than an ordinary bath towel and 30 seconds of your time. I know, I'm slow. Anyway.

She enjoyed herself enormously, and I got her to wash a lot of the toys, too, so everybody was a winner. Here she is bathing her doll:

I promise we don't bathe her like this.

After a while she decided it was her turn:

She actually managed to wedge herself in there, but unfortunately the water was really cold by that time, and she was rather unhappy about it. I know, baby, some things SEEM like such great ideas at the time, but then it all goes terribly wrong. Happens to me ALL the time, and not only in the kitchen.

Cruel parent that I am, I took her picture before going to rescue her.


Shanakin Skywalker said...

There is so much I want to say here, but I don't have time. I'm facebookn' it. laters!

Nate said...

As far as I'm concerned, you are parent of the year if only for the photo. I love it (but maybe that's proof that I'm more of a sadist than I care to admit). It is hilarious.

Joanna Schmidt said...

too funny. I am sorry she had to wait, but the picture is something she can have forever. And makes for good blog fodder.a

Anonymous said...

That is too cute. Isn't it strange how we would rather keep a clean house than let our children have fun. I completely understand. But with time we would rather have peace and quiet than worry about clean up.