Lansing was concerned that Ethan was nearing the critical age after which he would no longer be interested in camping, so we headed out a few Saturdays ago to equip ourselves with camping gear. The only tent we have is a 2-man pop-up, so we knew we'd have to upgrade. I have a horror of small spaces, and an aversion to sleeping directly on the ground, so we were looking for something roomy enough for an air-mattress. Given the weather in England, we also wanted space to play in case of rain, and we wanted to be able to stand upright inside. We came home with this:

Which was a little bigger than we'd expected. It's kind of hard to gauge these things from a 3x5-inch diagram. We had a trial run in our back garden, and after unfolding the thing there was some discussion re. taking it back to the store and exchanging it for something a little more understated (and not weighing 60 kilos), but in the end that sounded like more work than it was worth. So if you and 20 of your friends or relatives would like to come camping in England sometime, consider yourselves invited!

Ethan out on the back forty. That's some serious acreage.
Inside the main tent there are 2 4-man sleeping compartments. We put Avery's bed in one of them and our air mattress in the other, made a bed for Ethan, put all our gear inside, and still had an insane amount of floor-space. It was fairly ridiculous for a 2-day trip, but next summer we're hoping to go for a couple of weeks and then we'll be glad to have the room, I'm sure.
We went southwest to Swanage, which looks like this:

It was about a 2 1/2-hour drive, which is nearing Avery's limits of tolerance for the car. She toggles between three modes of behavior on long rides: Fighting the Restraints, Drunken Singing, and Comatose.

Somehow we managed to fill the cargo space for ONE NIGHT of camping.
It was a good trial run and because it was sunny it gave us a false sense of optimism and we'll probably go again soon. The beaches down there are gorgeous and also they have
thousand-year-old castles to explore, if you're tired of the gorgeous beach.
More photos are
here. (yes, I'm now on Flickr, Facebook, and Blogger- inescapable!)
I love it! You do realize, however, that owning a tent of this magnitude nearly guarantees that one of you are destined to be scoutmaster. (Oh wait, you're in England -- are you free from scouting there?!)
What is your address so I can send you your childhood photos and then you can post them on your blog!
one of you IS destined . . . (and to think I was an ESL teacher!)
I agree with your opinions of camping. Good for you for going anyway. I think we are hoping Payton and Sydney just outgrow the desire.
Sarah, I'm so excited I found your blog! I don't think I've heard from you since you had Avery! Looks like you and yours are doing well. I'm at Keep in touch!
I am sure that the other campers are thinking, "Those bloody Americans, always have to get the biggest and best."
Somehow my computer thinks I am my sister
What a treat to get a comment from you! I have thought of you and Lansing so many times and wondered where you are and what you are up to.
Your kids are beautiful and Ethan is all grown up! How did that happen so fast?
London? I am so jealous. We would kill to be in London. I'll just have to live vicariously through you.
Thanks for saying hi. And next time you are in NY we'll meet you for dinner in the city!
Okay, one more thing... what on earth?! Googles most recommended list? What is that? how did that happen? Crazy!
Hi Sarah--
It was great to see your blog and your cute family! Wow that is a huge tent, wish we had one that big! Anyway you all look great and I got to your blog from Kelli's blog. I miss you guys so much, even got a connection to Nathan's blog and facebook account and his little girl is also so adorable! Someday I will get a blog going. I am in Indiana right now down by Kentucky. Long story but it was good to hear an update on you guys!
Love you!
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